Commencement 2021 – Graduate Students

April 27, 2021
Dear Graduate Students,
With the move to host an in-person Commencement ceremony for the Class of 2021 at Nationals Park next month, we know there are a lot of questions about the event. We thank you for your patience as details come together, but I wanted to take this opportunity to share what we do know now to help you and your friends and family plan for this special event.
Most importantly, there will be one Commencement ceremony for all graduate and professional programs at 5:00 pm EDT on Monday, May 24, 2021 at Nationals Park here in Washington, DC. The ceremony is expected to take no longer than two hours.
The Graduate Commencement Ceremony at Nationals Park will recognize students from across Georgetown’s graduate and professional programs. While the ceremony will include many of the traditional elements of a formal academic ceremony, stadium rules and the timing within the baseball season do not allow for a traditional commencement stage or a procession of faculty and graduates. There will be numerous photo opportunities throughout the Park to take individual photos and connect with leadership from your individual school and program.
We are extremely grateful to the Nationals for allowing Georgetown to use the Park on a day in between two Major League Baseball games. Unfortunately, in this context, it is not possible for us to build a stage on the field to create this aspect of the traditional ceremony and individual names will not be read during the event at Nationals Park.
In addition to this in-person ceremony, graduate students will receive additional emails regarding program-specific virtual recognition events in the coming days. Please contact your program directors with specific questions.
It is critical that you submit your photo and other information to the School of Nursing & Health Studies. Every undergraduate student should have received an email from Kylie Unger with information about uploading their photo, and creating their individual Commencement slide through MarchingOrder. This was to be completed by Tuesday, April 27. If you have not finished your slide or received this email, please contact Kylie Unger at as soon as possible. (Please note that students can choose whether to wear regalia in their photos. This is not required.)
While we hope it will be possible for you to wear academic regalia to the ceremony, it is not required to participate. If you still wish to purchase regalia or any other commemorative items, the Georgetown University Bookstore is taking orders for shipment.
University staff continues to develop the process for ticketing for Commencement with the Nationals organization, so please look for upcoming communications with additional details around ticket registration. Each graduate attending in-person is invited to bring two guests. All guests will be required to follow DC Travel Guidance. (Please note that DC may adjust its travel guidance at any time before May 24.)
Please continue to follow the Commencement website and Frequently Asked Questions page, which will be updated as additional information becomes available.
Accommodation requests should be submitted using this form as soon as possible. A good-faith effort will be made to fulfill requests made by May 10, 2021.
Please direct all Commencement-related questions to Kylie Unger at
We very much look forward to honoring your achievements and celebrating this special occasion with you.
Carole Roan Gresenz, Interim Dean, School of Nursing & Health Studies